
Fragrance of Zion]-As a Child of God Who Follows Christ's Example

NAME Stephanie Deran

I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to travel to South Korea, let alone to meet God. Before I share a little about myself and my experience, I would like to thank our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and our Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem for finally opening my eyes and allowing me to understand my purpose here on earth. I was raised in a Jewish family. But, unlike my cousins, even though I celebrated certain Jewish holidays, I never went to Hebrew school or learned much about Judaism at all. Growing up, I wasn't forced into religion and while I felt a little lost when I was younger. Now I realize that it was part of Mother and Father's plan for me. I was very uncomfortable when people discussed religion of any sort because I didn't know what to believe. I always said that I thought there must be a God but didn't know anything about Him. One day, at my former job, a coworker briefly mentioned her church and something from the Bible. Before I knew it, we were doing studies on our breaks and lunches. Little did I know that 6 months later I would be baptized for the first time in my life and into the truth no less. Once I studied the prophecies about Jesus, I couldn't deny that He was the Christ and was amazed that my ancestors could be so blind. Once I accepted Father at His first coming, the rest fell into place perfectly.I was baptized on March 4th, 2008 and from that day on I realized how much Mother and Father had completely changed my life. Thanks to Mother and Father, I was able to visit Korea last October. Honestly, I had no idea how I would feel when I was able to see Mother for the first time. It was surreal thinking about this opportunity, and a little overwhelming at the same time. When our bus arrived at Elohim that first night, Mother was right there waiting to greet us at the steps of the bus. It was difficult to breathe as She hugged me and told me She loved me. It took me a while to stop crying that first night. The next few days were completely different for me. I was content just seeing Mother in the room with us, and feeling the love She showed so freely. Her smile was contagious. She was so humble and gracious; She even served us soup one night during dinner. Our Heavenly Mother always made sure She set the perfect example for us. Why is it so hard for us to follow that example? Throughout my trip, I realized that there was so much more I needed to learn besides studying the Bible. Everywhere we went we were greeted with smiles and tears. It was an amazing feeling. I can say that I truly felt Mother's love through our Korean brothers and sisters. I had the opportunity to ask Mother for the strength to follow Her teachings and can only pray that I am able to love as unconditionally as They do. Above all, I learned how arrogant I can be and how much Mother and Father humbled Themselves to teach us the truth. During the trip, we saw the Church of God Museum and the replica of the house Father lived in and where He wrote our precious Truth Books. They endured so much hardship and persecution, so much more than most of us will ever experience in our short lives here. I felt horrible for complaining about petty things in my life, and realized that They already did everything for me. They sacrificed and endured through the toughest situations so that we can have no excuse.It is simple. I need to show Them the same love that They have shown me, by following Their example and preaching the truth that They suffered so much for, to restore for our salvation.

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