
Ahnsahnghong]-Fragrance of Zion

God’s Love Melted My Hardened Heart

First and foremost I would like to give thanks, honor and glory to Father and Mother for allowing me to go to Korea. This trip was truly a blessing. I have been in the truth for two years and due to many obstacles, I was not able to go to Korea until last October. Thanks to the help of my brothers and sisters, it was possible.While in Korea, I learned many valuable lessons. First is my knowledge and understanding of Father and Mother, secondly love and patience and thirdly, obedience.When I first arrived in Korea and met Mother for the first time, I was very nervous, even to the point of not being able to talk. It was more of a shock than anything else. My reaction was not what I had expected, so I was a little disappointed. As I looked around, I noticed that some brothers and sisters were shedding tears. As the days went on, Mother made more appearances and still I had no reaction at all, just a numb feeling. So every day I would pray to Father and Mother to allow me to really understand who God is. My teacher told me that if we look at only the physical appearances and not the spiritual side, we cannot see the glory of Mother. Finally on the Sabbath day, I was able to see the glory of Mother. The tears just came from out of nowhere. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. How blissful it was to know that I was in the presence of God in the flesh. The love that was seen while in Korea was remarkable. Every day our Korean brothers and sisters took really good care of us. It started from the moment we arrived at the airport and up until the time we left. They rushed to carry our bags and even provided us with a meal. If we were sick, they came running to help by providing medicine and comforting. They got up early to prepare breakfast for us and they also worked really hard sacrificing their time to prepare all of our meals. They made sure that we had everything that we needed. I could feel the love of Mother through them because it is a part of Mother’s teaching that we should love one another by serving each other.While in Korea, we saw a play about why we were cast out of heaven to the earth. Even though it was just a small portion of what we did in heaven, it was enough to help us understand our sinful nature. When we were in heaven, Satan deceived us and tricked us into eating the forbidden fruit. This fruit consists of hate, envy, jealousy, etc. By eating the fruit we disobeyed our Father and Mother and we began to quarrel with one another. However the most important lesson from this play is that even though we were cast down to this earth, we still carry those same sinful characteristics. So in order for us to go back to heaven, we must cleanse ourselves of these sinful things. By cleansing ourselves, we are being obedient to our Father and Mother. They left Their heavenly throne and came down to this earth in the flesh, sacrificing Themselves, to show us how we can have salvation. Just being in Korea and seeing the terrain features of that country, Father and Mother endured many sufferings, walking in the rain, snow and up and down the mountains. Now that I know how difficult it was, it saddens my heart to know that I caused Them all this suffering. Since my return from Korea, I have decided to work harder. All the excuses that I had are unacceptable for not doing the gospel work. I have made more of an effort to attend preaching meetings. I preach the gospel even more at work and wherever I go. I have made a plan to preach to my physical family; hopefully through the gospel, we will be able to join hands as brothers and sisters. I haven’t borne any new fruits since being back, but I know I need to be patient and not give up hope. When the time is right, Father and Mother will allow me to bear fruit. I give praise, honor, and glory to Father and Mother for allowing me to know this precious truth every day.


I love heavenly Mother♡

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