Even through the Creation, we can see that men ought not to cover their heads, but that women should cover their heads while in the presence of God.
1 Cor. 11:7-9 『A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man....』
God created Eve as Adam's helper. In the work of preaching the new covenant, too, man is the head and woman is the helper; however, men must not arrogantly ignore their female counterparts. As it is written:
1 Cor. 11:11-12 『In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.』
Could the gospel work be completed by only men? Or, if only women worked for the gospel, could it be fulfilled? Men and women should help each other in the gospel work. Both should remain devoted to their missions and faithful to the titles and positions given to them by God.
댓글 2개:
God formed the man from the dust, and He made a woman from the rib taken out of the man. It shows God's providence of creation that woman is under the authority of man. therefore the woman ought to have a sign of authority on ger head in accordance with divine providence of creation.
Amen ^^*
Providence of Creation"
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