
World Mission Society church of God]-Baptism(Ahnsahnghong, heavenly mother, God the mother)


Man is mortal. Why can’t we live forever? the Bible explains that we die because of our sin(Ro 6:23 For the wages of sin is death). Baptism is the first step toward God and through this we can get the forgiveness of sins.

Ac 2: 38
Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit"

If we want to get eternal life, first we should be baptized. God gave us the new life through baptism (Ro 6:3~11).
it‘s a law not to wash the dirt of our body, but to wash the sin of our soul so that we may revive anew. Then when should we be baptized? The Bible tells us to be baptized immediately because we don’t know what a day may bring forth (Pr 27:1).

The eunuch of the Ethiopian queen was baptized immediately on the road, after he realized Jesus(Ac 8:27). And a woman named Lydia was baptized immediately when apostle Paul preached to her(Ac 16:13).

Like this, the ancestors of our faith were baptized immediately as soon as they realized the Savior regardless of time and place. Through Baptism, God has promised the forgiveness of sins and we are born again as a new life. So let’s be baptized immediately and be forgiven and be saved.

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