
God the mother, World mission society church of God]-The Holy Spirit and the BrideⅡ (heavenly mother)

The Holy Spirit and the Bride Ⅱ

(God the father Ahnsahnghong, God the mother, Heavenly motehr, World Missiom Society Church of God)

The way to achieve victory is to keep God's commandments with perfect faith in Father and Mother.
We should know both the Father God and the Mother God, and in accordance with Their will we ought to worship Them and give glory to Them.

If we don't, our faith will not be approved by God,
even though we feel confident and self-assured about our faith.

If we worship God in ignorance, however diligently we do, it is meaningless.
Think of Cain's sacrifice. He believed in God, but he didn't know how to worship God;
he offered his sacrifice according to his own desire, and God rejected d.
It was not pleasing to God to worship Him ignorantly and offer sacrifices without obedience to His will. Cain worshipped God in his own way by offering Him an unacceptable sacrifice. However, Abel knew what God required and offered a blood sacrifice, which was pleasing and acceptable to God.

The Spirit and the Bride give us the water of lifeGod alone has eternal life. So the Bible teaches us to press on to know God. Without knowing God, we can't come to Him to receive eternal life.

Rev 22:17-19 『The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say,
"Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes,
let him take the free gift of the water of life.

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book:
If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city,
which are described in this book.』

The Spirit is God the Father in the Trinity.

So His Bride must be God the Mother. Now the Spirit and the Bride say,
"Come! Take the water of life!" In order to go to the Father and Mother,
we should know Them and understand that no one can give us eternal life except the Father and Mother.

It is only through the Spirit and the Bride that we can get the water of life
for the healing of mankind.

These words should not be taken away from the Bible.
God came in the flesh as the Spirit and the Bride to call us.

We should correctly know the Spirit and the Bride―God our Father
and our heavenly Mother the new Jerusalem,
who lead us to the eternal kingdom of heaven, and also should receive Them as our Saviors.

Though the devil, our wicked enemy, slanders and deceives us by all means,
we should stand firm in faith and resist him as God's children who are strong like Gideon's warriors.
We are happy that we have our heavenly Father.
We are truly blessed to have our heavenly Mother.
We shall remain in Zion, keeping our faith in God Elohim and Their commandments to the end.
Let us proclaim the Spirit and the Bride, who give us the water of life,
to the ends of the earth,
so that we may receive the blessing of eternal life from
God our Father and God our Mother

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